Wednesday, December 26, 2012

COD Black Ops: Declassified Impressions - Week 1+

Week 2 and 3 are now complete.  I have completed the campaign on regular, completed in a good bit of multiplayer matches, and attempted to collect a few trophies.  So what is my opinion?  My opinion is still to be determined as I would like to see Nihilistic/Activision/Sony release patch 1.0x to address a few issues and potentially the announcement of DLC in the form of new multiplayer maps.  Considering the price of the game ($50 in the US), I would expect the first maps to be free but again, that is my expectation.

Multi Player:

The biggest selling point for this game is "Call of Duty on the go".  The most important aspect of any Call of Duty title is the multiplayer.  Yes, the features are borderline bare-bones in comparison to Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 but the proposition to play it on the go was too hard to pass up.  My experiences with multiplayer are two fold.  (1) Play via home wifi with 50 Mbps down/15 up (2) Play via mini wifi card used on commutes.  Regarding (2), I used a Verizon 4G LTE mifi adapter to connect.

Experiences earlier on confirmed my suspicions that the server might have been under duress during the first week.  The second week was better in trying to find a match and continuously play map after map.  I did experience a few issues that for the most part have been addressed in patch 1.02.  There are also positives I would like to point out.


  • I would find a match and then after waiting for the map to load, it would send me back to the main menu
  • Experienced an issue (once) where I got into the game but was unable to sprint
  • Experienced an issue (once) where the map went devoid of geometry and texturesIt quickly refreshed once I progressed more into this "grey" area.
  • Spawn points on smaller maps.  Sometimes I would get spawned next to my comrade who's been gunned down.  On smaller maps, I should get spawned in areas not close in proximity to friend or foeNukehouse needs to be more open!
  • Almost impossible to get a kill streak going for something like a Sentry Gun or Helicopter.  The maps are small.  You will die a good bit before reaching the magic number to call the streak.

  • It's fun and fast.  It's not 60 fps but holds steadily at 30.  There are times where it can dip but runs fine a majority of the time
  • It can be challenging achieving some of the trophiesSpecifically, "Pure as Driven Snow" and "Double Down".
  • Shotgun battles can be fun when you're not missing each other.  It seems the weapon is overpowered and you can hit someone about 15 feet away (it seems).

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